The Collaborative Care Program in Wentworth is working with the towns of the Wentworth Shire to understand local needs and improve access to primary health care in these communities. The project is evaluating the success of a model of care...
Since 2018, Dr Ros Bullock, a local GP in Canowindra has been trialling a deliberate team-based care model (DTBC) for patients with a greater risk of health decline. These patients are case managed by a multidisciplinary team representing general...
Since 2019, Western NSW Local Health District has been trialling a shared general practitioner (GP) service across Tottenham, Trundle, Tullamore, and Trangie (the 4Ts) following the closure of every private GP practice in town. This innovative...
The Snowy Valleys Project addresses local access to primary health care, which encompasses general practitioners, allied health professionals, primary care nurses, pharmacists, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers.
The Collaborative Care Program in the Lachlan Valley (Parkes, Forbes and Condobolin) is focused on the development of the health workforce across the region and opportunities to coordinate services. The project brings stakeholders together from...