Primary health care is generally the first point of contact you have with the health system. Typical examples are your local GP, or an allied health professional such as a dentist, physio or speech pathologist. Your local pharmacist is another primary health care provider, and so is a nurse or a midwife. These health practitioners provide continuing care to patients and coordinate any specialist care the patient may need.
The Wentworth project is a joint initiative between Coomealla Health Aboriginal Corporation, Far West Local Health District, Western NSW Primary Health Network, Wentworth Shire Council, Broken Hill University Department of Rural Health, and Rural Doctors Network. The Collaborative Care Program builds on community discussions and planning to date, working towards sustainable outcomes.
Please direct all enquiries to Justyn Walker (Program Lead - Collaborative Care) on | T: 02 4924 8066
The Program has received funding through the Innovative Models of Care grant program that is administered by the Commonwealth Government Department of Health and Aged Care.